makin' my way downtown

learning to wander
Posted by
12:08 AM
as a shout-out to my enormous secret fan base...
anonymous comments make me crazy!
i had a creepy blog-stalker over the summer.
please... help me sleep at night! leave your name (or at least a substantial clue).
thanks pals!
Posted by
2:27 PM
blogging everyday just might not be a reality for me. i think that is okay. there has been a lot of time for me to think this week. it was one of those weeks when everything just needed to stop for a moment, when i needed to slow down and have time to sit and think. it was also one of those weeks in which sitting, thinking, stopping weren't really options. they just kind of fell into my lap with a very bittersweet "kerplunk," disturbing the seeming peace of my routine. and it was much more bitter than sweet. the weeks previous felt the same way, up and down, bitter and sweet all at the same time...
a couple of really good movies
an invitation to a slumber party
an invitation to a wedding
an invitation to a bridal shower
good conversations with good friends
a conversation with a guy that makes me crazy who views war as a good way to control the population
getting a new pet
losing that pet underneath the couch and spending twenty minutes freaking out
finding that pet and saying, "wally... don't scare mommy like that again"
(wallace is a hamster)
a sunday fiesta with old friends and new
laughing and talking with people in two languages
saying goodbye to my church home
saying hello to a new church home
making new, wonderful friends
saying goodbye to a friend
enjoying great chapels shared with people who care so much about the world that they cannot help but to share
sharing a bed with a best friend
spreading out in my giant bed all alone
laughing until i cry
crying until i laugh
sharing inside jokes and slapping a friend's knee
planning ppgp
a hug from irv
praying for friends
praying for people i don't know
just praying
reading good books that have nothing to do with school
realizing those books have everything to do with school
because school is life
there is more. but that is all i have for now.
thanks for the loving on the phone, parents.
Posted by
10:08 PM
i just discovered something terrible...
peyton manning is married.
sad day.
Posted by
11:19 PM
i would like to share with you all some more police reports from my homeland...
_juveniles threw snowballs at passing vehicles. a truck was dented. children were warned.
_children were sliding on a hill. it was reported at 2:44 on tuesday. an adult was supervising them and they were being careful.
_a large snowman was blocking the street. it was reported at 6:10. by the time an officer arrived, frosty was gone.
_four boys are suspected of repeatedly roughing up a snowman. police were able to reach at least one boy and advised him to apologize and stay off the property.
i have a dream to post everyday... we'll see how that goes. i'm not entirely sure that i will have daily blog-worthy items to share with whoever might stumble across this, but i sure will try. i'm pretty sure that only my mom will care... and maybe britt. that's okay! blogging is like free therapy. i'm out.
Posted by
11:40 PM
i'm just testing a new blog layout... i promise a real post later!
Posted by
3:05 PM