what will be will be
the problem is that i am too dang efficient. if i am given tasks that my boss thinks will last me an entire shift, i am done in about two hours. this leaves me with five hours with nothing to do. please help me! if you have an inefficiency tips i would greatly appreciate them. especially since i will be working 19 hours in the next two days.
i google-image-searched my name and this is what i found:
My job is all about mastering the art of inneffiency.
Tip #1 - after every task... take a break.
Tip #2 - In the middle of every task.. take a break
Tip #3 - find a good book
Tip #4 - after every 5 pages you read, take a break.
Tip #5 - start drinking a lot of water. This will make you need to use the bathroom more (and it's just good for you).
TWO blogs in one day? Wow.
Here's my tip--I'm going out on a limb....
Wear really skanky clothes. This way so many people will be staring at you and wanting to talk to you (because you're even hotter than hott) you will have barely any time to get anything else done.
There. I've said it.
If I lived closer, I would come ask you all sorts of questions to help.
i've thought of one more: invest in an electronic gambling game. you'll be addicted before you know it and time will pass like you wouldn't believe.
well as those are good suggestions, i think they are a bit too involved. if you follow those you need to think of ways of being inefficient at being inefficient, and that just means you are being efficient. my suggestion is to find something really pointless, such as shaving a monkey, and stick to that. if it has no purpose then it does no good, and there for is the most inefficient thing of all.
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