it has been so long since i've blogged that i am almost nervous about starting up again. i actually have been emailing myself for the last couple of weeks with things that i ought to blog about... don't laugh, i'm not the only one who emails myself. but i will just start with today, since it's happening right now...
it's raining today and i couldn't be more happy! i love the rain... especially when it's on and off, downpouring one minute and calm the next. i love the smell and the crisp, cool air in the evenings. i love that when i go to bed, my pillow is cold. soup for lunch and warm oatmeal for breakfast. i found a picture today of a llama in the rain.

seeing this today is the only thing that could possibly make this day better. now about work...
kids in pirate hats using the play structure as a pirate ship. loitering teenagers turning into incredible artists as they showcase their poi dancing. bernard asking me about half-licker brian (i might have told too many people about the wonder boy who can't clean a spoon). chatting with the woman who walks her dog through everyday. looking forward to the winter wonderland coming the day after thanksgiving.
doing all of your homework and turning in papers on time is hard work. i am so tired from all the homework. working and living off-campus is an entirely different experience, and one that has me very tired out. it's hard sometimes to still be so passionate about this school and the students but be so removed. last year i really felt as though god had some things to say through me to the women and it was nice to have the authority that came with my position to speak into their lives. but this year i really don't know where to be involved or how i can continue to love on the girls and speak the truth of freedom into their lives. god and i have been doing some serious chatting about that. but this first month has been so enriching and i have just been so struck with the hunger and compassion and familial love on this campus. i also love brennan manning.
i think i have a crush on a 3 year old. this little boy is seriously the most beautiful child i have ever seen! i can only pray that my children will be this beautiful. but he is so precious and he cracks me up when i get to work in the 3's room. a couple of weekends ago i worked a service and we had so many kids... it was chaos and i just had to laugh the whole time because the kids were out of control. running around the room, waving their arms, giggling and shouting, "we're having so much fun!" i was a little troubled during group time, though, when the leader talked about noah. the kids were not in a place where they could sit and listen, but she kept telling them to sit down and be quiet... for 10 minutes. i wanted to tell her that this was not the best time, but she is the leader of the room. but then she talked about how noah was a good man and i got to thinking... noah kind of screwed up in the end. god doesn't just love us for being good people. if that was the case i would be in a world of hurt. oh, curriculum for 3 year-olds. in the end i found a toy boat and had the kids pile all the plastic animals into it. great fun.
so i have a little corner now where my air mattress lies. it is an interesting thing... sleeping on an air mattress for a prolonged period of time (mari is my hero). at first i wasn't sleeping too good, but now i am warming up to it. a couple of weekends ago we had a lazy day. i cannot even tell you how much i needed this. i slept on the couch the night before and woke up around 10. it was like heaven. then mari, melissa, and i hung out in our pajamas and watched cartoons. it was so nice... and so needed.
i went to reno with my family this last weekend. here is how i will sum up the weekend... eating, playing mini golf, watching airplanes. we also watched the ducks game and grandpa cried because he was so happy. let me tell you... multiple heaters, in one hotel room, watching our favorite college football team beat a team they have never beat, playing a crazy game in the last ninety seconds, is an intense way to spend an afternoon. the air races were fantastic (as usual). my favorite plane didn't get to race but i made do with the thunderbirds. i used to really enjoy watching them, but had a hard time this year because they are so very much "the most capable and powerful force in the world." so much of proud to be an american. i just kept thinking about what our powerful force is inflicting on people all over the world. but enough about that.
probably the longest blog ever. thanks for reading... if you made it, give yourself a treat. listen to your favorite song. take a warm shower for no reason. bake banana bread. put your feet up on the table. have a good night.